
Success Stories


Since NeoFusion was established in early 2013 as an ‘after-school program’ for adolescents it’s been a highly rewarding journey in terms of programs and projects executed, milestones achieved, and lives transformed.



Success Stories


Firoz joined us in 2015 and lives in our summer school. Earlier, he used to study in a government school and was in class 08th over there. He used to go to that school daily but never concentrated on his studies because of a lack of interest. He used to roam with friends all the time and was scolded in school each day. His parents felt very embarrassed because of his actions and the complaints the teachers constantly had about him. 

Firoz did feel guilty about all of this but only for some time and used to again get back to having fun with friends all the time and ignoring studies. After joining us, he started showing interest in his studies. Initially, he joined us because he wanted to learn dance. We tried to understand what his problem areas were and what was stopping him from concentrating fully on his studies. After a lot of sincere hard work, Firoz came 2nd in the 8th standard and was promoted directly to the 10th standard. He faired well in 10th standard as well and in the following year, he was bestowed with the prestigious Kaka Hatharasi Award. 

This was the first time, his parents were extremely proud of him and felt that their son could do something great in life and create a bright future for himself and them too. He did extraordinarily in the 12th standard too. His dad told him once in 2015, that he feels terrible that he works as a laborer and this is because he is not well educated and literate and could not find a great job. This was Firoz’s turning point, and that’s when he decided that he needed to concentrate on his studies and earn a respectable living for himself. Currently, he is doing Bachelor of Business Administration and is working in TNI as a team leader. He is working with a digital marketing agency as a freelance graphic designer and is being appreciated by them daily. He has tremendously grown over the years and strives to grow professionally and personally.


He was one of the brilliant students, and till 12th grade, he secured the position in all his exams. He was learning dance, theatre and taekwondo, where taekwondo always fascinated him. One day in between guided meditation, he realised he wanted to make his career in boxing. His search for boxing training started, and then he met his mentor, who helped him in all possible ways. According to his family, he used to get up at 3 o’clock to join early morning training. To our pride, amir has started participating in state and open national level championships and has won many medals.


Priyanka joined us in 2014. Before joining us, she was studying at a government school and during holidays used to work with her mother as a domestic helper. After she joined us, she loved coming to our NGO daily and started learning dance, theater, and acting. When she was 16, her family wanted to get her married but our founder explained to her parents the importance of educating her and also the importance of learning extracurricular activities. 

She feels deep gratitude towards our founder and thanks her endlessly for supporting her and explaining to her parents the importance of standing on one’s feet rather than getting married at a young age. Currently, she is pursuing Bachelor of Arts in Kathak and simultaneously learns as well and teaches kathak to other students. Apart from that, she gives tuition to children in the morning. She never thought she could do all this and gives all the credit to NeoFusion Creative Foundation. She is still passionate and is pursuing dance, theatre, and taekwondo. She has two more sisters and is the youngest of them all. Her sister got married at a very young age and is now working as a domestic helper. She feels amused that how she accomplished her victories despite the pressure of her getting married. She is sure and determined to keep continuing doing well in her life and soon will be a black belt in taekwondo.


Roshini joined us in 2017 when she was in 6th Standard and is currently in 11th standard. She passed her 5th from a government school. From the time she joined us she has been coming first in her class and has also topped the school many times. In October 2020 she lost her father and within a month of losing her father, she lost her mother too. She has two real brothers and one stepbrother. Her father was an electrician and loved her a lot. She was his priority and he loved her more than the sons. 

During the parent-teacher meeting with us, her dad always used to tell us that whatever Roshini asks from me I will give it to her. In 2017 she was awarded the prestigious Kaka Hatharasi Award. When her parents passed away, the relatives tried to tell her to stop coming to us, but since her father trusted us a lot, our founder did everything she could to make Roshini complete her 10th with us. She completed her 10th and topped the school also after so many problems and obstacles. 

Our founder keeps asking her if she needs anything and that she can ask us for anything anytime but Roshini does not like to be dependent on anyone and wants to fulfill her needs by earning and working herself rather than asking anyone else. So now she is working in a home as a part-time job. She first takes care of her home, cooks food, then comes to study here in school, and then goes to work. She is so dedicated and sincere that despite her busy schedule, she has still topped her 11th exams. She is studying also, working at her home also, cooking for her brothers, taking care of them, and working part-time also. She is handling all of this beautifully and we all are in awe and inspired by her personality, spirit, and ever-smiling face.


Sharifa joined us in 2019. She is 20+ now. She was very young when she went to school and then dropped out. She loved to study from a young age but rather than studying she used to help her parents and work as a full-time helper in other houses. In whichever house she used to live and work in, there she used to love to read English books and magazines. 

Because of her father’s pressure, she was forced to get married to her cousin at a very young age. Though post marriage she continued to stay with her mother itself. She was not happy with this at all and somehow she showed some strength and took the decision to get divorced. Since she was very young when she went to school, there was a gap of 10-12 years in her education before she joined us in class 9th to complete her studies. She is currently in 12th and topped her class in the 10th board exams.  After 10th, she was awarded the Kaka Hatharasi Prerna Puraskar.